Flora Terrace North Beach, Perth, WA
Flora Terrace is undergoing redevelopment to attract additional visitors and new residents to the area. With a number of new cafes and restaurants in the precinct, community consultation with the local council showed that an increase in street parking would be required, along with wider footpaths to facilitate additional alfresco dining.
Project Design Brief
As part of the widening of existing footpaths, designers needed to work with the existing irregular pavement levels. Parts of the pavement had significant slope, which required careful placement of drainage channels to intercept stormwater runoff. The drainage system needed to be suitable for constant pedestrian use with slip resistant grates and heel resistance.
ACO’s Solution
- KlassikDrain K200 with Iron Intercept Heelsafe® Anti-Slip grates
- The 0.5% built-in slope in the K200 system allowed the new pavement to be constructed as flat as possible, yet enables sufficient runoff to the outlet of the channel
- The Iron Intercept Heelsafe® Anti-Slip grates provide slip resistance to AS 4586 and are compliant for wheelchair and walking cane safety
- The K200 channels and grates can be easily cut on site to create bends and corners